
Annual wellness exam

Medicare part B covers one  time well, visit for Medicare preventative visit and it is normally done within 12 months of enrolling into part B

The goal of this visit is to do preventative care, and to know all aspect of the health and environment around you,  it is designed for your body mind intellect and social aspect to implement comprehensive care.

Do the patient has to pay for this appointment

Patients do not have to pay for this visit if your doctor participated with the insurance although you might have to pay the coinsurance if you have it

When you make an appointment for welcome Medicare visit you should take your medical records including immunization, your family history and list of the medications that you take including over-the-counter medication

patient appoint
patient visit

What you expected during this visit

During this visit patient should expect the checking for vital signs including height weight temperature blood pressure body mass index calculation

Your physician will look into your vaccination record screening for depression, do memory test and safety at home.  There will be brief eye exam as well.  This visit also include to establish living will, healthcare proxy.  During this visit mostly no lab test is performed as it is different from annual physical

After your Medicare welcome physical is done your physician will be able to provide you with the proper advice on variety of healthcare topics that pertains to you including recommendation health screening, vaccinations

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